Thursday, August 14, 2008
New stuff

Hello... actually, I am planning to write something about the video editing task... (the 'so you think u can dance' task) but, i kept delaying it until I forgot.hehehe..mmm...anyway, do you like my new blog skin? greeeeeeny and fresh! I love green & purple so much..
ps: don't forget to play around with my pets...~the sheepie~ they are so cute right? but... be careful... I'm watching youuuuuuuu......hehehehe
Ok...what I am reali want to tell about the video editing is...I don't know how to use the software that had been given by puan. I tried, but I think it is quite difficult to be, my initiative was to use the Windows Movie Maker- the programe that I am familiar with.
But, even I didn't use the software that given to us, I still manage to do the combining and extracting task. So, I think, if you have problem in using the given software, you should find other alternatives to solve the problem.

Good luck everybody!
11:30 PM
Pelbagai aksi menarik! Jangan marah kawan2...

Bak Zhi Yang

Hidayah, Arina Nadiah, Aishah, Hazirah....emmmm half of Izyan..hehehe

Farah Filzah, Zhafarina...


Rimala, syazwan, Komathi, Khasturi

Loi, Komathi and Khasturi...

My classmate
Who can be seen: Mark, Izzuddin, Amira Shakira, Hani,Wai Lye Yee, Huda, Zarne, Imanuddin

Puan Foziah

Josh: So sad la the photo, after being edited.
Ruby: Hahaha...I think it's funny!
Syazwan: Let me see.....

Hafiz: Focus...focus...forget the food for awhile
Ai Choo: Critical thinking~!

Josh: Edit the photo a bit! (sikit jeeer....!)
Ruby: Hmm....take a nap for a while.
Shu Ling:

Lecture by Puan Foziah

Azian: Tu..tu..that one!
Ai Choo: I think, it's OK...
Hafiz: Sedapnye makanan kat kafe sastera.......
Ai Choo, Azian & hafiz (khusyuk belajar)

Syazwan: Why me....?
Syazwan yang garang(marah apabila konsentrasi belajar diganggu)

Ruby: Which photo is suitable?
Shu Ling: Too small...I cant see...
Josh: Nak pilih mane satu ni......
Shu Ling, Josh, & Rubi (concentrating)
6:28 AM

there are lots of things happened within this two three weeks. surely, we have submitted some work and learn loads of new things in a wink! I will describe how my emotion 'looks like' while doing all the works.
the latest one is about video editing. I'm so anxious about it for several reasons. 1. traumatize by the photo editing and audio editing, I'm afraid that this task will be tough(susah nak buat la maksudnye) 2. we still don't know the date due for the task...3. to make it fun and 'uneducational', it needs creativity.

I did the video editing task better than photo editing. Luckily, with Puan Foziah's mercy, we were allowed to send our second time job for the photo editing.
I don't face any major problem with audio editing. Maybe because audio editing is more familiar to us compared to photo editing...well, know...ringtone, mp3, caller ringtone, stuff like that...
Good luck to me!
6:02 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hi everybody!
Our next assignment is audio editting! Sounds easy huh? Well, I found it to be very easy when you're doing it for fun...But, when it is an 'assignment'..., HUUUUURMMMM...

Still got problem choosing the software...still confuse on what song to be chose...Well...I think, I will explore other's blog to get some idea...
10:08 AM
I am a sheep trainer. Well known in Terengganu & Sabah. Love chocolates, biscuits, coffee...books n musics...mmm...nice combination, huh?